This series of articles was originally produced in The Living Presence. Below is an excerpt from the authors first article.
It is this writer's firm conviction that all of the confusion in the studies of eschatology (e.g. the coming of the Kingdom, the millennium, the final judgment, the resurrection, and the "second" coming of Christ) stems from two basic failures as one approaches these eschatological contexts. When we clarify these two areas and correct whatever error(s) we have been making, then and only then will we understand these matters as they were originally intended to be understood. On a very positive note, this writer can say from very personal experience that when one makes the necessary correction(s) and begins allowing the Bible to shed light and render commentary on itself, it will absolutely open vistas of understanding to the beauties of the sacred text that one never dreamed possible.
In a series of articles to follow, this writer will attempt to define, identify and correct these two major errors of biblical exegesis that have resulted in so much confusion. To accomplish this, examples and quotes from various scholarly sources will be cited to demonstrate the clear error and then, allowing the Bible to define itself, we will show how easily understood these passages really are. Also, when necessary, these scholarly sources will be quoted to show the inconsistencies they are guilty of, that lead to the erroneous conclusions reached.